Join Us

Chessie chapter’s dues are $10. If you’ve already joined SinC National, you can join the chapter by sending your check–made out to SinC Chesapeake Chapter–and a copy of our membership/renewal form to:

Sisters in Crime, Chessie Chapter
c/o Donna Andrews
11654 Plaza America Drive #313
Reston, VA 20190

**But remember–before you can join a local chapter, you need to be a member of SinC National.  If you haven’t already joined, see the SinC National  for membership information and an application form.**

Please note that when you join SinC National, you may receive information about which chapter would be your nearest local chapter–but you still have to join the chapter separately. And while we’d love to have you in Chessie Chapter–SINC National does not notify us when potential new Chessie members join National! So please reach out to us if you have any questions about Chessie Chapter membership, including how to join the chapter.

Although our membership year runs from January to December, if you join after September 30, your dues will count not just for the remainder of the year but also for the following year.

2024 Meetings:

Jan 7  – Tips & Tricks on How to Effectively Market In-Person and Online – Brian Paone

Feb 3  – Forensic Pathology – Mary Jumbelic

Mar 12 – Chessie Chapter Nominees for Agatha Awards

Apr    –   No Meeting

May  –  Discovering Insurance Fraud: A Conversation – Tonya Sherman, Market Regulation Supervisor

Jun  –  He Said, She Said, They Said: The Art of Writing Dialogue – Kathleen Barber, Author

Jul  –   Understanding Extremist Behavior – Dr. Flurije Saliju

Aug  –  TBD

Sep  –  TBD

Oct  –  TBD

Nov  – Chessie Author Extravaganza – MD

Dec   – Chessie Author Extravaganza – Reston, VA

*For details go to Meetings Page*