Sisters in Crime Chesapeake Chapter

2024 Membership Form




Name 2*












Social Media (Facebook, Twitter)



*Please list the name you want us to use in chapter communications first. If there are any other names we might need to know you by, list those in Name 2. This is particularly important if we know you by your pen name and your checks show another name!


Send this form with your $10 membership check made out to SinC Chesapeake Chapter,

c/o Donna Andrews

11654 Plaza America Drive #313

Reston, VA 20190


You must join SinC national to join the local chapter. To join or renew your national membership, go to


Please tell us if you're interested in volunteering to help with:

[  ] Special events [  ] Publicity [  ] Newsletter

[  ] Other (please use the reverse side of this form to elaborate)


Let us know if you'd like to:

[  ]Join a carpool as a rider   [  ] Join a carpool as a driver


Please check all that apply:

[  ] Published writer [  ] Reader

[  ] Aspiring writer  [  ] Librarian

Other :



[  ] If you want to receive chapter information by snail mail rather than email, please check here.


To join the chapter listserv, please go to

Or email


If you have a suggestion or request for a speaker who would help fulfill SinC's mission and benefit our members, please put the contact information on the reverse side of this form or within an email to



Thank you for joining the Chesapeake Chapter of Sisters in Crime!