
The Chesapeake Chapter was founded in 1990 as a regional chapter of Sisters in Crime (SinC), an international organization for people who love mysteries working in support of women who write them. Membership is open to everyone. The only qualification you need is an interest in whodunits and membership in SinC International. National membership includes the Sisters in Crime Quarterly, InSinC; a subscription to SinC Links, a monthly e-blast of news you can use, including information on book deals negotiated by members; online access to the SinC website including its Membership Directory, annual Author Coalition reports on the publishing industry and other benefits; and subscriptions (if desired) to both national and regional listservs.

Our chapter bylaws can be found here.

And you can find SinC’s current Code of Conduct here.

The Chesapeake Chapter of Sisters in Crime, like its national parent organization, was created to promote the professional development and advancement of women crime fiction writers to achieve equality in the industry.

Membership is open to anyone with a love of mysteries—men and women, readers and writers—who would like to help promote the advancement of women mystery writers. Chapter members typically come from D.C., Maryland and Virginia.

Chesapeake Chapter Officers for 2025
President – Paula Mays
Vice President – Cathy Wiley
Secretary – Meghan Lewis
Treasurer – Mark Bergin

Committee Chairs
Program Chair: Kathleen Barber & Fran Schoonmaker
Membership Chair: Donna Andrews
Publications Chair: Marcia Talley
Member Liaison:  Karen Cantwell
Elections Chair: Barb Goffman
Library Liaison: Cathy Wiley

Other Contacts

Website Coordinators: Donna Andrews & Becky Hutchison
Listserv Coordinator:  Donna Andrews
Authors’ Events Coordinator: Cathy Wiley